The Complete Fighter,S Handbook

Introduction 1 Amazons 46 Barbarians and Berserkers 47 Character Creation 4 Beast Riders 48 Cavaliers 48 Ability Scores 4 Gladiators 49 Races 4 Myrmidons 49 Classes 4 Noble Warriors 50 Alignment 4 Peasant Heroes 50 Warrior Kits 4 Pirates and Outlaws 51 Proficiencies 4 Good-Guy Outlaws and Pirates 51 Armorer 4 Bad-Guy Outlaws and Pirates 51 The Workshop 4 Samurai 52 Apprentices and Overseers 6 Savages 52 Time to Craft Armor 6 Swashbucklers 53 Cost to Craft Armor 6 Wilderness Warriors 53 Chance of Failure 7 The Miitary Campaign 53 Added Expenses 8 Campaign vs. Mini-series 54 Player-Character Workshops 8 Repairing Armor 8 Combat Rules 56 Repairing Magical Armor 8 Bowyer/Fletcher 10 New Combat Rules 56 Weaponsmithing 10 Off-Hand Weapons Use 56 Weaponsmithing Failure 10 Kneeling and Sitting 56 Weapon Quality 10 Range and Initiative 56 Weapons Not Shown 11 Weapon Proficiency Slots 58 Money and Equipment 11 Intelligence and Proficiencies 58 Magic 11 Single-Weapon Proficiency Weapon Specialization 58 Experience 11 Weapon-Group Proficiency 58 Tight Groups 58 Warrior Kits 13 Broad Groups 59 Kits and Warriors 13 Non-Groups 60 Weapon Specialization and Weapon Groups 60 Kits and the Warrior Classes 14 Kits and Character Creation 14 Ambidexterity 60 The Warrior Kits 14 Style Specialization 61 Amazon 14 Punching and Wrestling Specialization 61 Barbarian 16 Martial Arts 61 Beast-Rider 18 Fighting Styles 61 Berserker 18 The Four Fighting Styles 61 Cavalier 22 Specializing in the Styles 62 Gladiator 24 Guidelines 62 Myrmidon 25 Multiple Style Specializations 62 Noble Warrior Sample26 fileLimitations on Style Specialization 62 Peasant Hero 29 Single-Weapon Style 62 Pirate/Outlaw 30 Two-Hander Style 62 Samurai 31 Weapon and Shield Style 63 Savage 32 Two-Weapon Style 64 Swashbuckler 34 Sample Style Specialization 64 Wilderness Warrior 35 Melee Maneuvers 64 Recording Kits on the Character Sheet 36 Called Shots 65 Warrior Kits and Multi-Class Characters 36 Striking a Specific Body Part 65 Warrior Kits and Dual-Class Characters 37 Smashing Something Being Held 65 Abandoning a Kit 37 Bypassing Armor 65 Modifying the Kits 37 Special Results 66 Creating New Kits 37 Disarm 66 Thrown-Weapon and Missile Disarms 68 Role-Playing 39 Expert Disarms 68 Grab 68 Warrior Personalities 39 Grabbing a Person 69 The Brash Youth 39 Grabbing a Monster 69 The Crude Crusher 40 Hold Attack 69 The Dangerous Antagonist 40 Characters with Multiple Attacks 70 The Doomed Champion 41 Parry 70 The Fated Philosopher 42 Choice of Parries 70 The Merry Showoff 42 Polearm Parries 70 The Natural Leader 43 Missile Weapon Parries 71 The Sneaky Thinker 43 Parrying from the DMG 71 Changing Personality Types 43 Pin 71 The Warrior Campaign 44 Pull/Trip 71 Magical World vs. Nonmagical World 44 Use of Polearms 71 Magical World 45 Sap 72 Mostly Nonmagical World 45 Shield-Punch 72 Strictly Nonmagical World 45 Shield-Rush 72 The Mixed-Warrior-Type Campaign 46 Strike/Thrust 73 The One-Warrior-Type Campaign 46 Surprise and Flash Maneuvers 73 The Complete Fighter's Handbook

Don't Say No; Determine Difficulty 73 Wolf-pack Tactics 90 Maneuvers in the Campaign 74 Tactical Mix 90 Punching, Wrestling, and Martial Arts 74 Rotation 90 Specializing With Punching and Wrestling 74 Spear-Carriers 91 Normal Punching Attacks 75 Directing Traffic 91 Punching Specialization 75 Campaign Tactics 91 Normal Wrestling Attacks 75 Just Arriving in Town 92 Wrestling Specialization 75 The Combat Sheet 92 Martial Arts 76 Martial Arts Results 76 Equipment 93 Descriptions of the Maneuvers 76 Old Weapons 93 Specializing in Martial Arts 77 One-Hand, Two-Hand 93 More Than One Style 77 New Weapons 94 Continuing Specialization 78 Gladiator Weapons 94 The Complete Martial Artist 78 Pirate Weapons 100 In Oriental Campaigns 78 Samurai Weapons 100 Barehanded Maneuvers 79 Savage Weapons 103 Called Shots: Punching and Martial Arts 79 Swashbuckler Weapons 103 Called Shots: Wrestling 79 New Armor 104 Disarm 79 Gladiator Armor 104 Grab 79 Samurai Armor 105 Hold Attack 79 Effects of Armor 106 Parry 79 Effects on AC 106 Pin 80 Effects on Speed 106 Pull/Trip 80 Effects on Dexterity Checks 106 Sap 80 Effects on Vision and Hearing 107 Shield-Punch 80 Other Helms and Helmets 107 Shield-Rush 80 What Head Protection Doesn't Do 107 Strike/Thrust 80 Vision and Hearing Checks 107 Hit Locations 80 No Head Protection 107 The "Numbed" and Useless" Numbers 80 Variant Armor 109 Body Locations 80 Racial Armor 109 General Effects of Called Shots 81 Armor Fitting 109 Specific Effects of Called Shots 81 High-Quality Racial Armor 110 Recording These Injuries 82 Piecemeal Armor Ill Individual Injuries and Healing Magic 82 Weight of Piecemeal Suits 112 Permanent and Crippling Effects 82 Magical Armor 112 Monsters and Hit Locations 82 Gladiator Armor 112 This System and Low-Level Characters 82 Damage to Armor 112 Recovery 82 Piecemeal Armor 112 Recovery of Temporary Damage Sample82 Magica filel Armor 112 Recording Temporary Damage 82 Repairing Armor 113 Recovering From Temporary Damage 82 Effects on the Campaign 113 Magical Healing and Temporary Damage 83 Magical Items 113 Recovery From Knockout 83 Miscellaneous Equipment 116 Temporary Damage and Knockout 83 Magical Healing and Knockout 83 Tables 118 Combat Conditions 83 Darkness and Blindness 83 Forms 120 Unstable Ground 84 Complete Fighter's Character Sheet 120 Mounted Combat 85 Complete Fighter's Combat Sheet (PC Side) 122 Jousting 85 Complete Fighter's Combat Sheet (DM Side) 123 Lance Specialization 85 Warrior Kit Creation Sheet 124 Horseback Archery 86 Tburnaments 86 Written by Aaron Allston The Basic Tournament 86 Edited by Steve Winter Black and White Art by Valerie Valusek The Joust List 86 Color Art by John and Laura Lakey. Doug Chaffee. and Jeff Easley The Jousting Competition 86 Typography by Angelika Lokotz Blunted Lances 87 ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. AD&D. PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and Queen of Love and Beauty 87 the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR Inc. Prizes 87 °1989 TSR Inc. All rights reserved. Other Events 87 Printed in the U.S.A. Archery Competition 87 Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada. Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distribu- Foot Lists 88 tors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd. Merchants' Stalls 88 This product is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any Dancing, Socializing 88 reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is When to End Combat 88 prohibited without the express written permission of TSR Inc. When Characters Don't Accept Surrender 88 TSR Inc. TSR Ltd. POB756 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton When Characters Always Chase Escapees 88 Lake Geneva. Cambridge CB1 3LB When Characters Never Negotiate 89 WI 53147 U.S.A. United Kingdom Notes on the Combat Sequence 89 Tactics 89 ISBN 0-88038-779-3 211OXXX15O1 Shield Walls and Polearms 89 Character Creation

The Armorer knows enough sary to process unrefined metal Then, the workshop would ac- Blacksmithing to forge metal ar- into armor. commodate three more armor- mor and craft scale and chain Such a workshop costs 200 ers at the same time. For mail (though he cannot forge gp, plus the cost of the shelter another +250 gp, now totalling horseshoes, wrought iron gates, where it is set up: An additional 1,000 gp, the shop can accom- hardened metal tools, or any 100 gp for a pavilion tent, an ad- modate nine armorers at the other useful items unless he also ditional 300 gp for a well-crafted same time. knows Blacksmithing); hut/workshop, or more as part The Armorer knows enough of a larger dwelling, such as a Leather Armor Leatherworking to cut and mansion, villa or castle (these If he intends to make any sort shape boiled leather into leather sorts of dwellings are priced at of all-leather armor (hide armor, armor, shield coverings, and the whatever sort of price scheme leather armor, and armored under-layers of scale mail and the DM prefers). leather caps), the workshop is a banded mail (though he cannot (Included in the price of the leatherworker's shop, including make dress jerkins, saddles, smithy is the cost of the tools apparatus for leather soaking, elaborate pouches or rucksacks, necessary to make leather hilt- scraping, tanning, boiling, boil- or any other useful leather wrappings, padded armor, ar- ing in wax, shaping, hole- items); and mor linings and padding, and punching, sewing, and all the The Armorer knows enough the simple leather straps used to other processes by which of the Tailor's art to manufac- hold all-metal armors together.) leather is transformed into ar- ture padded armor and armor This workshop is large mor. padding (but not enough to cut enough to accommodate the Such a workshop costs 25 gp, and sew any sort of good- character and up to two appren- plus the cost of the shelter looking garment). tices working full-time. (The ap- where it is set up: An additional Naturally, the ordinary Black- prentices, too, must have the 25 gp for a large tent, an addi- smith cannot forge metal armor, Armorer proficiency; the char- tional 75 gp for a well-crafted the Leatherworker is not experi- acter can always take in an ap- hut/workshop, or more as part enced with making leather ar- prentice without the proficiency of a larger dwelling (at whatever mors, and the Tailor isn't and train him, but until he ac- price scheme the DM prefers). conversant with the making of quires the Armorer proficiency (Included in the price of the padded armor, unless they also he doesn't count as a productive leatherworker's shop is the cost take the Armorer proficiency. elementSample of the workshop. file) of the tools necessary to make The Armorer can repair exist- In theory, the character could padded armor and armor lin- ing armor that has taken dam- hire another three-man crew to ings and padding.) age (if you're using that optional work a second shift in the same As with the smithy above, this rule), and can also craft barding workshop; thus the workshop price presumes one principal (horse armor) through use of his would be occupied nearly 24 leatherworker and up to two ap- proficiency. hours a day. (This presumes prentices may work together at But what does all of this mean eight- to ten-hour shifts and a the same time. Above that num- in a campaign? certain amount of necessary ber costs 50% of the workshop nonproductive time each day: and housing costs per addi- The Workshop Time for furnaces to cool and be tional three leatherworkers. cleaned, tools to be repaired and Tb craft armor, sharpened, etc.) No more than Metal and Leather Armor the character must first have a three people can work in this If he intends to make both workshop (a place to work and workshop effectively; with more sorts of armor, or armor which tools with which to do work). than three people, the workshop combines both metal and suffers a loss of efficiency so that leather elements (banded mail, Metal Armor it produces goods just as though brigandine, bronze plate mail, If he intends to make any sort it were only manned by three ar- ring mail, scale mail, shields, of all-metal armor (chain mail, morers. splint mail, and studded field mail, full plate, plate mail, Tb expand the workshop costs leather), a combined workshop and helmets), the workshop is a an additional 50% for each is needed. smithy, complete with tools, bel- + three workers. If the smithy Such a workshop costs 250 lows, a furnace, an anvil, tongs, costs 200 gp and is set up in a gp, plus the cost of the shelter cauldrons, casting molds, and 300-gp hut, thus costing 500 gp, where it is set up: An additional all the other materials neces- the builder could pay +250 gp. 100 gp for a pavilion tent, an ad-